Evergreen is an upcoming SFW DaiSuga Zine with a plant theme! The zine will be available as a digital zine and a physical zine with merch packs for both.

You can now listen to our DaiSuga Playlist on Spotify!! LINK



The Basics

The zine will be available as a digital zine and a physical zine with merch packs for both.
The physical zine will be A5, perfect bound, portrait orientation.
The zine will be strictly SFW.
You must be 16 or over to apply as a contributor. If you are 16 or 17, we will not be able to pay out your share of the profit. This will be added to our donation pool instead. If you are 18+, you can decide whether you’d like your share to be paid out to you or added to the donation pool for charity.

We are still tweaking some minor things such as the final drop-out date and check-in dates, and all dates are subject to some minor amendments.
We retain the right to adjust deadlines if absolutely necessary, but we will give all contributors plenty of notice about any changes.

01-28 Mar: Writer apps
08 Mar - 04 Apr: Artist apps
18 Apr: concept check Writers
21 Apr: Writer assignments confirmed
25 Apr: concept check Artists
28 Apr: Artist assignments confirmed
21-23 May: check-in 1
18-20 Jun: check-in 2
16-18 Jul: check-in 3
25-Jul: final dropout date
08-Aug: final pieces done

The applications will be staggered between Writers and Artists, to facilitate collab signups and give a faster turnover on application results.


What is the theme of the zine?
The theme for the zine is “plants”. We ask all contributors to include plants or nature in their piece. In the application, you can make notes of any ideas you have. If you don’t have any ideas yet that’s alright.

I only have a small social following, is it worth it for me to apply?
Absolutely! We’ll be judging based solely on the content of your application. It doesn’t matter whether you have 50 or 50,000 followers, you have an equal chance of being accepted.
Please do not feel discouraged if your follower count is low, as this is not a reflection on the quality of your artwork/writing.

What compensation will contributors receive?
All contributors will, at the very least, receive a digital copy of the zine and all digital merch including any digital stretch goals regardless of whether we hit them or not.
If the profits allow, we will also provide a free copy of the physical zine, with free shipping for contributors as the next goal.

Once the shop closes and we’ve paid for all the costs (including physical zines & free shipping for contributors if applicable) we will divide the profit between the contributors. The contributors then have a choice of either receiving their share of the profits, or adding this to our charity donation pool.
Again, if you are 16 or 17, we will add your share to the donation pool for charity instead. Contributors of all ages are allowed to use their profits to order more items from the zine.

The charity will be decided on by the mods and contributors.

What kind of merch will the zine have?
The physical merch packs will include keychains, stickers, sticker sheets, postcard and polaroid prints, buttons and pillow charms.

Digital merch will include icons and desktop & phone wallpapers/screensavers.

These were the most popular choices in the interest check, but may be subject to change between now and contributor acceptance.

How much will the zine be sold for?
We do not have a set price list as of yet, but we do have a rough idea. Please note that this is solely an estimate.
We are unlikely to go outside of these price ranges, and our current estimates are somewhere in the middle or less of all these rages, but it is a possibility if we and the accepted contributors decide to add additional items to the bundles or stretch goals later on.

Digital zine - $10-15
Physical zine - $20-30
Paper merch - $15-25
Non-paper merch - $15-30

Any larger merch packs that consist of multiple smaller bundles will very likely have a discount applied.

Is traditional art okay as a zine contribution?
Yes it is! As long as you are able to provide a high resolution scan or photo of your art, traditional art is welcome for zine and merch artist applications.

If you’d like to contribute traditional art to the zine, please make sure to add traditional art examples to your application. These need to be scanned/photographed in the same way as you would for the zine.

Will poly ships and side ships be allowed?
The mods have decided against poly ships in the zine since it is focussed on DaiSuga. Side ships are allowed, but the main focus of your fics and artwork must be DaiSuga.
Are you taking Mod applications?
No, as our mod team is already complete.

Are AUs allowed?
Yes, AUs are welcome! We do want to have a good balance of AU and canonverse fics, which will be facilitated through the concept check-in.

Can I apply for multiple positions?
Yes you can! You can apply for just one role or all of them, and we will assess your applications individually, but you will only be accepted as either a writer or artist.

Artists may be accepted for both page art and merch art if they have applied for both.

For our full FAQ and Applications guidelines please refer to this document here


Mod Ro - Organization / Internal Communications

Past zine credits:
RUN! Charity Zine - writer (complete)
It runs in the family - HQ!! Siblings Zine - writer (complete)
Snapshots - EnnoTana Zine - writer (complete)
Fly High! - Karasuno Zine - writer (complete)
The Elegant Owl - Akaashi Zine - writer (complete)
Birds of a Feather - Karasuno 1st years Zine - writer (complete)
Sweethearts - KuroTsuki Zine - writer (complete)
Director’s Cut - Ennoshita Zine - writer (complete)
Crossroads - HQ Timeskip Zine - writer (complete)
Nekoma Team Zine - writer (in progress)
Shooting Star - Yamaguchi Zine - writer (complete)
…and more (unannounced) (in progress)

Past mod credits / relevant experience:
Moonrise: A Tsukishima Zine - head mod (complete)
Project & team manager (professional)

Mod Lisa - Finance & Shipping Mod / Writer Mod

Past zine credits:
"Moonrise" - Haikyuu!! Tsukishima Zine - Writer {A Day Out}
"Shooting Star" - Haikyuu!! Yamaguchi Zine - Writer {Glory of Youth}
“Life of Kuroo Tetsurou” - Haikyuu!! Kuroo Zine - Writer
"Devoted" - Next Generation Captains Zine - Writer
(full list of credits)

Past mod credits / relevant experience:
"Shiki" - Haikyuu!! Managers Zine - Assistance with Shipping
"Birds of a Feather" - Haikyuu!! Karasuno First Years Zine - Head Mod
"Fly High!" - Haikyuu!! Karasuno Zine - Editor, Finance & Shipping
"Director's Cut" - Haikyuu!! Ennoshita Zine - Finance & Shipping
"Ukiyo" - Haikyuu!! Setters Zine - Editor, Finance & Shipping
"Bloom" - FMA Future Zine - Finance
"Game On!" - Haikyuu!! Nekoma Zine - Editor, Finance & Shipping
"Moonrise" - Haikyuu!! Tsukishima Zine - Editor, Finance & Shipping
"Shooting Star" - Haikyuu!! Yamaguchi Zine - Editor, Finance & Shipping
“Guardians” - Haikyuu!! Libero Zine - Editor, Finance & Shipping

Mod Mica - Graphics / Artist Mod

Past zine credits:
Director's Cut: an Ennoshita zine - page artist (complete)
Gran Rey Cóndor: an Oikawa zine - page artist (complete)
Shooting Star: a Yamaguchi zine - page artist (complete)
Moonrise: a Tsukishima zine - merch artist (complete)
Blossoms Entwined: a KuroKen zine - page artist (in progress)
Connect: a Valentine's Day zine - merch artist (in progress)
Beyond The Horizon: a HoshiHiru zine - merch artist (in progress)
Paradise: an UshiTen zine - merch artist (in progress)

Past mod credits / relevant experience:
Connect: a Valentine's Day zine - artist mod (in progress)
Ever After - a Haikyuu!! Fanfic zine - graphics mod (in progress)

Mod Marge - Social Media / Beta Mod

Past zine credits:
Nice Serve! a Yamakage Zine - co-mod (complete)
Prodigy - a Kageyama Tobio Zine - head mod (complete)
Shooting Star - a Yamaguchi Tadashi Zine - co-mod (complete)
MOONSHADOW - a TKKG Zine - head mod (in progress)
Ever After - a Haikyuu!! Fanfic zine - writer (in progress)

Other mod experience:
HQ!! Rarepair Event 2020 (general mod)

Contributors lineup

contributors' social links list
